Airborne Equipment / Aerial Delivery

RED Scientific’s personnel have world-class expertise with Airborne Delivery of stores and troops to the battlefield. As specialists with all UK MOD in-Service Airborne Equipment systems and their principles of operation, RED Scientific can offer a broad range of advice from their skilled Airborne Equipment Engineers and experienced users. RED Scientific offers the following consulting and advice services:

Test and Evaluation advice: RED Scientific personnel have significant experience with Test and Evaluation of Airborne Equipment to establish fitness-for-purpose, safety in role and delivering capability. Their experiences include working with the following generic Airborne Forces Equipment and Airborne Delivery Equipment systems:

  • Airborne Forces Equipment Personnel Parachuting
    • Static Line – High and Low altitude
    • Freefall
    • Droguefall
    • Tandem
    • Hung-up Parachutist recovery
  • Airborne Delivery Equipment Stores
    • Extracted loads
    • Gravity Ejection
    • Container Delivery System
    • Aircraft Cargo Handling systems
    • Load restraint

Employing a variety of test techniques to meet the data collection requirements including defining data collection, monitoring and analysis methods

Incident investigation: With Airborne Delivery expertise, RED Scientific can offer independent advice in response to Defence Air Safety Occurrence Reports (DASOR) on all Airborne Equipment systems recorded on the Air Safety Information Management Systems (ASIMS). Red Scientific can advise on potential causes offering solutions to lower the risk of repeat incidents and attendance at Duty Holder Boards to provide independent unbiased opinion helping the responsible person make informed decisions on capability.

Independent document review: Offering independent advice on Compendium of Airborne Forces Equipment Release Certificates (CAERC) including Temporary Clearances (TC), Clearances with Limited Evidence (CLE) and Operational Emergency Clearances (OEC). In addition, RED Scientific can offer independent document reviews of in-Service publications and review of third party output.

Calculated Air Release Point (CARP): The accurate delivery of loads and troops to the intended target is dependent upon despatch in the correct position relative to the DZ intended point of impact. RED Scientific personnel understands the parameters, criteria and methods to ensure accurate release.

Drop Zone (DZ) dimensions: For the safety of personnel on the ground, correct DZ sizing based upon the landing accuracy minimises risk to third parties. RED Scientific can advise on DZ dimensions to meet required criteria based upon measured landing accuracy in relation to the intended point of impact.

RED Scientific offer a responsive and agile service to meet your requirements for Airborne Equipment systems.

To discuss, please contact RED’s Director Engineering at


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