

RED provides services to the MoD and its Agencies, including Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S), the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), the Defence Nuclear Organisation (DNO) and the Submarine Delivery Agency (SDA) . Much of the work conducted by RED consists of Research and Development or Technical Support away from the Customers’ sites on a fixed price basis. The mainstay of the work is technical studies, analysis and support, secure systems and software development undertaken by our growing in-house team but also utilising sub-contracts from amongst members of the RED Network. RED is an active supplier to the EDP, ASTRID and SERAPIS programmes.

This type of work contributes to a large percentage of RED’s revenue and we are increasingly forming new teams to respond to new customer challenges.

In addition, RED undertakes MoD-related work on customer sites through Resource Enabling Contracts such as the Crown Commercial Public Sector Resourcing Framework. These contracting vehicles exists to service peak technical resource demands which cannot be resourced by MoD internally. RED maintains a large pool of security cleared technical resources to support this demand as well as providing the business with excellent resources to support project teams.

Central Government & Agencies

RED has undertaken work for a number of central government departments and government Agencies including Department of Transport, DEFRA, Home Office, Cabinet Office, the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Department for Business, Innovation and Skills/DTI, Ministry of Justice and Department for Transport, WRAP and Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). RED is a member of the FUTRAN consortium providing support to Highways England via SPaTS2. Offerings include secure data and analytics, operational and statistical analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, Open-source Intelligence (OSINT) gathering, data modelling and a range of other decision support services.

RED has supported the BBC and has a long track record of support to the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories with Operational Research, Mathematical Modelling and Safety consultancy.

UK Industry

Much of RED’s work for UK Industry is within the Defence and Security Sector, with the ultimate Customer being the UK Government. Within the Research area, larger contracts often stipulate that a percentage of the work should be undertaken by SMEs and as a result RED is a regular research partner to many prime organisations.

The two main Defence Primes for MoD Research funding are QinetiQ and BAE Systems and both seek to include a number of SMEs in their proposals. Thus, RED are members of 4 BAE Systems and 3 QinetiQ-led Research programmes.

RED also provides cost effective support to System Integrators and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) ensuring Safety, Environmental and Supportability compliance throughout the acquisition cycle.

Environmental Support

RED has a track record of support in this sector including Land Quality Assessment, Flood and Contamination, Waste, Carbon, air quality and Green initiatives. Our work focuses on data and analytics, Operational Research including quantitative and qualitative analysis, tool development and modelling and OSINT data services. We also have a long track record of conducting studies in areas relating to waste, recycling and energy.

Worldwide Aviation & Defence

RED Scientific’s personnel have world-class expertise with Airborne Delivery of stores and troops to the battlefield. As specialists with all UK MOD in-Service Airborne Equipment systems and their principles of operation, RED Scientific can offer a broad range of advice from their skilled Airborne Equipment Engineers and experienced users.

We also undertake studies and ongoing assessment for Aerodrome environments including annual surveys, Pavement/runway friction, measured height, system safety and Land Quality Assessment with our partner organisation Pell Frischmann.

European Research

European Commission research projects are an important area for RED with the company winning and acting as coordinator on four major contracts and gaining valuable insight into the bidding formula for winning work in this area. The new Horizon Europe programme includes many themes that we will be pursuing including:

  • Climate-neutral and Smart Cities;
  • Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters;
  • Adaptation to Climate Change including Societal Transformation.

RED is also registered with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the CERN programme.

Big Science Infrastructure

Across the world governments and international organisations fund share to build and support very large scale science facilities to push back the boundaries of scientific knowledge and contribute to innovation. CERN is perhaps the biggest and best known global example of such ‘Big Science’.

In the UK the Sciences and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is responsible for several Big Science facilities including the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at Harwell. There, RED has been working with the Director and senior managers at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source since 2016 to advise on measuring performance, optimising experimental processes, and the operating strategy for the now-aging accelerator (see case study Optimisation of Accelerator Operations). While for STFC as a whole we reviewed the best way to implement Functional Safety standards (BS EN 61508) across the organisation.

RED also has experience of working with Big Science infrastructure at MoD’s Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), wind tunnel test facilities for developing airship navigation models, Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) for developing driver hazard perception testing and Sellafield for support to safety technical document production. We are currently developing a collaborative funding project for CERN targeted at measuring performance and optimising experimental processes and we are looking to support the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project being managed from Jodrell Bank.

RED Routes to Market

Within these market sectors, RED uses a focused series of routes to market that allow us to work with our customers. Some of these require our qualification for Frameworks and others use various customer-led Programmes, however, RED uses the most pragmatic mechanism for contracting available for a given market. A summary of these is given below.

Dstl Analysis for Science & Technology Research in Defence (ASTRID)


BAE Systems CORDA Managed Framework on behalf of Dstl


ASC replaced Dstl’s Think Tank, Operational Analysis (OA) & Cost Frameworks and ASTRID is set to replace ASC.  The four areas covered are:

  • Strategy, Policy & Enterprise Level Analysis and Decision Support
  • Capability & Investment Level Analysis and Decision Support
  • Defence & Security Business Space Analysis and Decision Support
  • Enabling Analysis Services

The framework is available for use by wider government.

Research Cloud (R-Cloud)




RED is registered on the R-Cloud framework in the following areas:

  • Human Capability, which covers areas including: Personnel, Human Factors Integration and Understanding and influencing human behaviour.
  • C4ISR, in areas including: Command and Control, C4ISR Systems and Experimentation, Information Processing, Communications, Sensors and Intelligence & GEOINT.
  • Cyber, which covers Cyber Defence of MoD Platforms and Systems & Situational Awareness of Cyber-Space.
  • Platform Systems, which is divided into themes that include: Underpinning Capabilities; Systems Engineering (SE) & Integration; Defence Architectures; Information & Intelligence SE; Software SE; Navigation Systems.
  • Research into Counter Terrorism and Security, which is divided into several themes: Device Diagnostics and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Explosives Detection and Identification, Neutralise and Counter Terrorist Networks.
  • Integrated Survivability, covering four themes: Integrating capabilities, including modelling & simulation; Susceptibility, the avoidance of detection and engagement; Vulnerability, the survival if hit & Recoverability, the ability to reconstitute military functions.

Cyber Security Services Framework (CSS3)


Pan Government Framework with multiple suppliers via Crown Commercial Services (CSS)


CSS3 is the replacement for the CSS2 framework providing government departments, local authorities and the wider public sector with a range of NCSC Cyber Security Consultancy certified suppliers who have the capability to deliver cyber services that:

  • Meet the NCSC baseline for business processes
  • Meet NCSC technical standards
  • Are delivered professionally

RED will provide services under Lot 1 and the following sub-lots:

  • Lot 1.1 – Risk Assessment
  • Lot 1.2 – Risk Management
  • Lot 1.4 – Audit & Review

The framework will run from 01/03/2020.

Home Office


Home Office


Research and Analysis services to Home Office, Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA). RED is a preferred supplier having previously been a Framework supplier.

Progeny Maritime Research Framework (PMRF)


QinetiQ managed framework on behalf of Dstl


This framework replaces Dstl’s MarCE framework.

PMRF has been established to underpin delivery of the UK’s maritime S&T capability from within Dstl and the wider MoD.

Its purpose is to provide a flexible, enduring and responsive contracting mechanism to deliver maritime-related S&T, enabled by the breadth of relevant capabilities which exist across Industry and Academia.

Public Sector Resourcing (PSR)


Pan Government Framework via Crown Commercial Services


Managed by Alexander Mann Solutions. PSR is the follow-on Framework to Contingent Labour 1 (CL1)

Public Sector Resourcing (PSR) is a single lot pan Government framework through which public sector authorities can source contingent workers, improving access to a flexible workforce.

Categories of Workers include:

  • Digital and Technology (DDaT)
  • Engineering
  • Estates and Logistics
  • ICT
  • IT Project Management
  • Niche
  • Operational Workers
  • Procurement
  • Programme and Project Management
  • QAS
  • Scientific
  • University Specialists
  • Senior Civil Servants
  • Professional
  • Executive

The Contract for the Prime supplier was awarded to Alexander Mann Solutions Ltd in January 2018.  Most of Government transitioned to the new arrangement in 2018, followed by MoD, including Dstl,  in April 2019. The Framework runs until mid-January 2024.

Artificial Intelligence Services Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS)


Pan Government Framework via Crown Commercial Services


This framework offers artificial intelligence (AI) services to the whole of the public sector and their associated bodies and agencies.

It covers discovery and consultancy services related to artificial intelligence (AI), implementation and support of AI systems, end-to-end partnerships and AI technologies in health and care.

The type of technology available using the development, implementation and support of AI services includes AI software applications, machine learning to help with data analytics, intelligent virtual assistants and intelligent personal assistants.

Health and social care bodies will have access to AI applications such as medical imaging software, non-imaging diagnostic software and symptom-based software, to help accelerate AI technologies in health and social care in line with the AI in Health and Care Award.

Dstl’s Serapis Framework




Serapis is a Dstl framework which provides access to a broad spectrum of suppliers for expertise in C4ISR (command, control, computers, communication, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) and space systems, synthetic environment and simulation technologies, particularly with respect to non-traditional defence suppliers, SMEs and academia. This is broken down into 6 capability areas or ‘Lots’; of which RED is supporting 5.

Lots supported by RED:

  • Lot 1 – This covers the development and integration of new and emerging ISTAR ‘Collect’ technology and techniques into the wider defence and cross-government ISTAR enterprise, led by Roke Manor Research Ltd;
  • Lot 3 – This covers the development, testing, and evaluation of novel Command and Control (C2) concepts and systems to improve sense-making, battlespace management, resilience and decision making, led by QinetiQ Ltd;
  • Lot 4 – This covers the development of C4ISR communications and networks and will aim to exploit and drive emerging concepts and technology in military and civilian communications infrastructure, led by QinetiQ Ltd;
  • Lot 5 – This is focussed on the development of synthetic environments, modelling and simulation, and associated tools, led by NSC Ltd;
  • Lot 6 – This covers the development of data analytics and information processing tools and techniques in support of defence’s decision-making processes and techniques (covered in Lot 3), led by Fraser-Nash Consultancy Ltd.

Aurora Engineering Partnership – Engineering Delivery Partner (EDP)


Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S)


Engineering Delivery Partner for Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) Framework to provide Engineering Support.

The demand signal for Engineering Services and Manpower now comes through the Engineering function. The function decides whether this demand can be fulfilled internally or if there is need for external support (Make or Buy decision).

DE&S awarded the contract to Aurora Engineering Partnership, which comprises QinetiQ, Atkins and BMT. RED holds 85% of the Engineering Services categories as part of the partnership network and continues to provide more intimate support as an SME Champion.

The Framework commenced in March 2019 and runs until 2029.

Specialist Professional & Technical Services Framework (SPaTS2)


Highways England


SPaTS2 provides specialist technical engineering advice to Highways England for its £27bn Road Investment Strategy (RIS2). The framework is also accessible for projects commissioned by the Department for Transport, HS2, Transport for London, Office of Road & Rail, and Local Authorities.

TRL, Arcadis and Pell Frischmann formed the FUTRAN Joint Venture for SPaTS2.

In a transport and political landscape of disruptive change, the FUTRAN JV provides easy access to both breadth and depth of advice, research and consultancy skills. By seamlessly combining three organisation’s direct resources, with an extensive and growing community of supply chain partners including Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs), FUTRAN offers a genuinely differentiated professional service to fully support Highways England’s ambitions around customer satisfaction, getting home safe and well, within a transformative programme of delivery.

Each member of the JV individually leads and contributes to the global transport transformation agenda and together, FUTRAN will harness that learning and transfer knowledge into Highways England’s capability. FUTRAN will support its clients’ own transformation by helping to adopt and embed innovative, efficient approaches that lead to better outcomes across engineering, implementation and operation.

FUTRAN promises to be adaptable, easy to work with, collaborative and willing to learn. The JV partners are committed to continuously improving, increasing efficiency and creating customer value.

FUTRAN interfaces with clients via the Discovery Team, who will help shape the assets, operational models and solutions of the future so that they are safe, efficient, and meet customer needs.

RED is supporting FUTRAN in the area of Data Science including analysis, modelling and tool development, data visualisation and secure data systems.

G-Cloud 13 Framework


Crown Commercial Services


The G-Cloud Programme is a cross government initiative led by Ministry of Justice supported by Home Office as part of the Government ICT Strategy.  The initial focus was on introducing cloud ICT services into government departments, local authorities and the wider public sector via the G-Cloud procurement framework.

Research and Insights Framework


Crown Commercial Services


The Research & Insights DPS agreement provides central government and wider public sector departments with the opportunity to procure an extensive range of Research and Insights. The estimated value is £45m (excluding VAT) in the first year, growing to £50m (excluding VAT) in year two, £52m (excluding VAT) in year three and £55m (excluding VAT) in year four in line with targeted growth strategies. This will comprise multiple contracts with multiple suppliers and will run until November 2025.

Digital Outcomes 6 (DOS6) Framework


Crown Commercial Services


For all public sector organisations to find suppliers who can design, build and provide clearly defined bespoke digital projects and services using an agile approach.

These digital projects can be serviced (built) by 1 person or by a team.

Buyers can also use this agreement to find:

  • Physical space to conduct user research
  • Users with the appropriate characteristics to test your service

Digital Specialists and Programmes Framework


Crown Commercial Services


All public sector organisations can use this agreement to find the full range of Digital, Data and Technology skills.

It offers a quality assured route which will provide:

  • Larger digital transformation: involves a rethinking of how an organisation uses technology, people and processes to create new business models and new revenue streams (such as building mobile applications or ecommerce platforms)
  • Larger capability programmes: provides supplier staff to achieve strategic objectives through group(s) of projects that involve:
    • Research
    • Test
    • Design
    • Build
    • Release
    • Iteration
    • Support
    • And/or retirement of digital services, outcomes and deliverables

This also provides a route to market for strategic objectives or scope of services with no clearly defined outcomes or deliverables that will enable digital transformation.

Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) Consultancy Services Framework


Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation


ESPO (in collaboration with YPO) have established a framework agreement with a number of service providers for the provision of consultancy services to the Public Sector. These services are provided on a national basis across the UK. The key aim of the framework is to create efficiencies and promote cost savings by providing customers with access to pre-approved service providers whom they may appoint using a simple and streamlined procurement process. We are supporting Pell Frishmann on  Lot 6a Operational IT  and Lot 6b Strategic IT.

Fusion21 Consultants Framework


Pan Government


Fusion21 has developed a 4 year Framework for full provision of consultancy services across public sector estates. The framework is split into twelve (12) lots:

  • Lot 1 – Project Management and Multidisciplinary Consultancy Services and Lead Consultant
  • Lot 2 – Stock Monitoring & Appraisal
  • Lot 3 – Building Information Modelling
  • Lot 4 – Architectural
  • Lot 5 – Fit-Out Consultancy
  • Lot 6 – Heritage and Conservation
  • Lot 7 – Structural and Civil Engineering
  • Lot 8 – Building Engineering Services
  • Lot 9 – Facilities Management Consultancy
  • Lot 10 – Principal Designer
  • Lot 11 – Zero Carbon and Sustainability
  • Lot 12 – Valuations

RED is supporting McBains (an RSBG company) on this Framework.

Space-Enabled and Geospatial Services Framework


Crown Commercial Services


Suppliers on this framework can provide remote geospatial, locational, communication and sensing capabilities. Services available may include data, technology solutions and aerial and land-based platforms.