Working with RED

The RED Model

The RED Model provides access for Universities, specialist consultants and other Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to act as sub-contractors or partners on a range of our Government Framework and Enabling Arrangement opportunities.

Collectively, our Associates, University and business partners form the RED Network.

Consultant Associates

RED is a long term supplier of manpower substitution resources to both defence & central government and we maintain close relationships with a large number of associates to provide specialist support. We are always interested to hear from new associates seeking effective routes to market for their skills and experience.

If you would like to find out more about becoming a RED associate then you can do so here.

University Partners

RED has relationships with departments and schools from a number of UK universities covering many areas of expertise. These partnerships enable us to create diverse teams with field-leading experts.

SME and Corporate Partners

RED often also partners with large primes and other SMEs to develop teams to meet specific customer needs. We also maintain close relationships with some key strategic partners.

If you would like to discuss working with RED, please contact us.


Industry Personnel Security Assurance (IPSA) is an assurance framework for personnel security in industry. It helps to ensure individuals who have National Security Vetting (NSV) are effectively managed and provided with the same degree of aftercare as vetted staff. The process is managed by the Industry Security Assurance Centre (ISAC).

It is to ensure that Sponsor companies effectively manage personnel security, in particular how aftercare is provided for those staff who require NSV. Aftercare is more than the completion of annual forms, it is the culmination of a number of activities that provide the necessary support for vetted individuals. It covers the screening required pre-vetting, ongoing monitoring and assessment, disciplinary and welfare procedures, risk assessment and cultivating a positive security culture across the company and it’s network. ISAC does this through assessing Sponsor companies’ policies and processes meet required standards contained in the IPSA Policy.

You can find our dedicated IPSA website at

The RED Scientific website contains Public Sector information from licensed under the Open Government Licence V2.0.  © Crown copyright