JEMMA – 1 to 1 Engagement Workshop

The Support Chain Information Team (SCIS) within Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) is preparing to initiate a competitive procurement process to award a contract for a new Joint Equipment Maintenance Management Application (JEMMA). JEMMA will replace the JAMES capability currently provided.

RED is the current provider of the Land Equipment Failure Report Analysis Service (LEFRAS). LEFRAS is a 5 year contract with the DE&S Land Equipment Operating Centre (LEOC) for the provision of a MoD Land Equipment Failure Report Analysis Service based out of our Bristol offices. LEFRAS collects fault reporting data (JCRs) daily from JAMES and produces information outputs for DE&S Project Teams (PTs) in order to initiate Post Design Services (PDS) tasks covering modifications, obsolescence management and safety upgrades.

Following on from the informative JEMMA Industry day and given the essential interface of LEFRAS with any JEMMA solution; RED took part in a JEMMA 1 to 1 Engagement Workshop on 4th November 2021. The Workshop provided the opportunity to share our experience of the development of LEFRAS and to demonstrate LEFRAS to the JEMMA team:

  • A high-quality service that delivers ongoing enhancements to data quality via a dedicated service team and advance analytics capabilities.
  • Embedding Microsoft Power BI reports directly within the Oracle APEX browser based application to ensure users have access to state-of-the-art analysis and presentation features.
  • Evergreen software: continually updating the software components to keep the solution modern, secure and relevant for user needs.

For more information on the knowledge, agility and innovation that RED can offer and the essential interface of LEFRAS with any JEMMA solution, please contact RED’s Director Engineering:

Marc Brûlé-Walker
Director Engineering

Phone: 07900 225593

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