RED Supports MoD Career Transition Partnership (CTP) at Newbury

Logo - CTPThe Career Transition Partnership (CTP) is a partnering agreement between the Ministry of Defence, Right Management Ltd and Industry and provides resettlement services for those leaving the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force and Marines. Regardless of time served, all members of the Armed Forces benefit from CTP support when leaving.

2017-02-10 RED Supports MoD CTP at Newbury - Article Picture


RED provide civilian and ex-military RED staff at events to give advice and support to service leavers, sometimes leading to employment for those with the right skills.

RED supports SaBRE (Supporting Britain’s Reservists and their Employers) and its successor Defence Relationship Management (DRM) with reservist-friendly HR policies to help Reservists to meet their commitments.

For more information, please contact us.


The RED Scientific website contains Public Sector information from licensed under the Open Government Licence V2.0.  © Crown copyright
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